Trip planning

Monthly Sicily Weather

The climate of Sicily - the largest in area among the other regions of Italy - is typically Mediterranean subtropical. This means that summers are hot and long, and winters are warm, mild and fluffy. Spring and autumn in Sicily pass quickly and without noticeable differences, which, in turn, makes the transition from season to season almost invisible. And also, in comparison with continental Italy and southern France, Sicily boasts the largest number of sunny days per year.

Monthly Sicily Weather

Before we go directly to the weather for months, it’s worth adding that a trip to Sicily should be planned not only taking into account the weather. In the transition months and even the peak season, it is quite possible to find offers at very tasty prices. The main thing is not to miss, because such tours “fly away” the fastest. You can get acquainted with the current selection of prices for tours to Italy on this site.

Weather in Sicily in January

January is not particularly cold, and the average monthly temperature rarely drops below + 10 + 12C. And if the ski season is in full swing in the mountainous areas of the island, then on the coast in clear weather you can walk in a light sweater, because the air is warm enough. but weather in Sicily in January nevertheless unpredictable and changeable: at any moment a cold wind or a heavy rain may come from the sea.

February weather

The weather in Sicily in February is mild and often sunny. The air warms up to + 10 + 15C and it is quite possible to enjoy hiking or sightseeing.

February also allows you to combine skiing and spring gatherings in the open air

February also allows you to combine the pleasure of skiing in the mountains and spring gatherings in the open air in cozy coastal towns. The weather pleases with warmth and sunny days, but sometimes dark clouds with short-term rain showers cover the sky, reminding that winter, nevertheless, has not ended yet.

March weather

Perhaps March in Sicily is not the best time to relax, because it is this month that the island is often hosted by a sirocco - wind from the Arabian deserts. Cirocco can even change the established weather, bringing with it to the island either excess moisture or heat and dry land.

April weather

April in Sicily is more like our summer: warm, sunny, comfortable and, at the same time, without the sweltering heat. Sicily this spring month resembles a garden of paradise - citrus orchards begin to bloom, exuding a delicate and surprisingly pleasant aroma throughout the island. The average monthly temperature is + 15 + 22C, there are still very few tourists, and sometimes the sea water warms up so much that it even allows you to open the swimming season.

In March, in Sicily, a sirocco is a frequent visitor - the wind from the Arabian deserts

May weather

May is one of the best months for a good rest. The average monthly temperature is + 19 + 25C, and sea water very often allows you to already fully swim. In addition, it is in May in Sicily The tuna fishing season opens, once described in detail and colorfully by Commander Cousteau himself. And so there is the opportunity to enjoy freshly caught and inexpensive fish.

June weather

Sicily in June is already a full Mediterranean summer. And although, in comparison with other summer months, June is considered far from the hottest period, air temperature rises every day, rising from comfortable + 25C to + 30C and even higher. There are days when you can escape from the heat of the day only without leaving the sea. The weather in Sicily in June is attractive not only for foreign tourists, but also for Italians themselves, who are happy to spend their weekends on local beaches.

In July, the thermometer column almost never falls below + 30 ° C during the day

July weather

July in Sicily is one of the hottest months of the year. At this time, the thermometer column almost does not fall below + 30 ° C during the day, and in recent years it has been fluctuating around the + 40 ° mark more and more often. The water temperature on the coast resembles fresh milk, which makes rescuing from heat even more problematic than in neighboring June. The weather in Sicily in July is not very suitable for hiking, forcing both visiting tourists and local residents to hide from the sweltering heat in air-conditioned rooms.

Weather in August

Although August in Europe is a month of holidays, and the island is considered a very popular resort, nevertheless, the weather in Sicily in August naturally restrains the flow of visitors. August is generally considered the hottest month, and + 40C in the shade is not an exception, but the norm. But for immigrants from the CIS - this is a favorite month for planning a vacation. In addition to the wonderful local cuisine and the azure sea, there is an opportunity to combine the long-awaited vacation with no less exciting shopping. After all, it is this month that the season of famous summer sales takes place throughout Italy.

Tuna fishing season opens in May in Sicily

Weather in September

The weather in Sicily in September seems to be specially designed for relaxation. The sweltering heat is gradually decreasing, and the sun is not so hot as a few weeks ago. The average temperature fluctuates in the range + 23 + 27С, and the sea warmed up over a long summer still allows swimming. With the beginning of the school year, the number of holidaymakers in the resorts becomes noticeably smaller, and prices begin to decline slightly.

Weather in October

The weather in Sicily in October, although warm (+ 20 + 23С), is changeable, and frequent precipitation can disrupt any plans. Therefore, when planning a vacation, in addition to beach accessories, an umbrella and waterproof shoes will become far from superfluous attributes in your luggage.

In January, in the mountains in full swing the ski season

Weather in November

November is not the best month for vacation planning. And although the weather in Sicily in November remains, by our standards, quite warm, the seasonal wind of Cirocco greatly reduces the attractiveness of the island to visit.

Weather in December

December in Sicily is able to turn any vacation into an unforgettable one. In addition, skiing resorts are already operating this month, and on the coast, especially in the interior of the island, you can find sunny, almost summer weather. The weather in Sicily in December is particularly pronounced regional in nature. In the mountains, freezing temperatures prevail and snow lies, on the coast there can be a cold wind and heavy rain, and in the central regions of the island it is very often sunny and quiet. And in December, citrus fruits ripen, so, if desired, you can participate in harvesting.

Watch the video: What Is The Weather Like In Italy In October? (October 2024).

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